CONSCIOUS is the name of Cyra Gwynth’s upcoming EP and her last three so-called ‘chapters’ have shown what to expect. Cyra Gwynth takes her listeners into her own thoughts and therefore her own world. The melancholic and tough songs ‘CONSCIOUS’ contain lyrics that describe and expose her deepest feelings, so anyone who really wants to get to know Cyra Gwynth will have to enter her world.

Everyone has known for some time that Cyra Gwynth has always attached great importance to the visual aspect of her music. This time we see her on the CONSCIOUS artwork as a 3D fantasy character in her own world where falling dolls represent her listeners who end up in her world.

With the chapters ‘SOUL’, ‘SELF’, ‘EGO’ and her EP ‘CONSCIOUS’ she wants to inspire people to introspect and to dive into everyone’s deep feelings.

19:30 Walk-in
20:00 Performance Cyra
21:00 Drinks + Dj
00:30 End

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