EP Release Dany

EP Release Dany

Last year, The Voice Of Holland winner Dany released his personal single ‘Mijn hart is weer van mij’’. The single is about the aftermath and survival of a loved one after suicide, and was released exactly two years after the death of his love. This single is the first work that Dany has been able to create entirely himself since winning The Voice of Holland. The single also marked the beginning of a collaboration with the 113 Foundation – suicide prevention. Together, Dany and the foundation worked towards ‘Suicide Prevention Week’ in September of last year.

“This single” is the first from Dany’s new EP, which he will release at A’DAM&Co. next week. The song is about how you pick up life again after losing a loved one to suicide, and how you discover yourself in such an intense period. Dany wrote the song a year after the death of his ex Azad, as a tribute to him, but also as an ode to who he has become through the situation. In an interview with ‘113 Zelfmoord preventie’ Dany said the following about the song:

“I initially didn’t want to share this song. Just like the rest of the EP. It’s quite personal and intimate. Not suitable for the general public, I thought, but I realize that these are the stories that need to be shared. In the hope that we will see each other better. Talking about our demons is becoming easier and easier in this time. Being open to someone else’s demons is something we can still learn as a collective. And I hope that my music and empathy can become an opening for that.”

Find the article here: https://www.113.nl/actueel/dany-terug-met-persoonlijke-single-mijn-hart-weer-van-mij

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