Expo Opening | Tessel van der Putte

17:00 – 22:00

Tessel van der Putte is a Dutch artist who in her work re-imagines worlds in which people and surroundings are deeply connected to each other, and where the feminine body holds a central space. Her paintings are characterized by vibrant colour contrasts and abstract forms that seemingly “overflow” form and space with each other… Inviting the viewer to look differently at our social roles, our relationship to nature and to ourselves.

The paintings exhibited in A’DAM&Co. this December and January, are a colourful ode to the female body, her autonomy and sexuality in particular. The collection on display also includes The Vulva Series (made for the Umaversity event on the 27th of November), celebrating its diverse beauty, strength, and creative ability as a gateway to life and self-discovery.


Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tesselvanderputte/?hl=nl

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